邮箱: lhxqx@bnu.edu.cn
1977-1982 南开大学数学系 学士
1990-1993 北京师范大学数学系 博士'
Hong-Xing Li and Vincent C.Yen, Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Decision-Making, CRC Press, FL, USA, 1995.
Peizhuang Wang and Hong-Xing Li, Fuzzy Information Processing and Fuzzy Computers, Science Press New York/Beijing, 1997.
Hong-Xing Li, P.C. Philip Chen and Han-Pang Huang, Fuzzy Neural Intelligent Systems, CRC Press, FL, USA, 2001.
Puyin Liu and Hong-Xing Li, Fuzzy Neural Network Theory and Application, World Scientific Press, Singapore, 2004.
Hong-Xing Li ,Fuzzy Systems to Quantum Mechanics,World Scientific Publishing,2020
Hong-Xing Li and L.X. Li, Representing diverse mathematical problems using neural networks in hybrid intelligent systems, Expert Systems, 16(4), 1999, 262-272.
Hong-Xing Li, Factor space canes, Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing (ed. G.Q. Chen), Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, 169-180.
Hong-Xing Li and C.L. Philip Chen, The equivalence between fuzzy logic systems and feedforward neural networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 11(2), 2000, 356-365.
Hong-Xing Li, Output-back fuzzy logic systems and equivalence with feedback neural networks, Chinese Science Bulletin, 45(7), 2000, 592-596.
Hong-Xing Li and Li-Da Xu, A neural network representation of linear programming, European Journal of Operational Research, 124(2), 2000, 224-234.
Hong-Xing Li, V.C. Yen and E.S. Lee, Model of neurons based on factor space, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 39(2000), 91-100.
Hong-Xing Li etc, Factor spaces theory and its applications to fuzzy information processing: Two kinds of factor space canes, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 40(2000), 835-843.
Hong-Xing Li etc, Factor space theory and fuzzy information processing: Fuzzy decision making based on the concepts of feedback extension, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 40(2000), 845-864.
Hong-Xing Li, V.C. Yen and E.S. Lee, Factor space theory in fuzzy information processing: Composition of states of factors and multifactorial decision making, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 39(2000), 245-265.
Hong-Xing Li, C.L. Philip Chen, The interpolation of fuzzy control and its relationship to PID control, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2(1), 2000, 23-30
Hong-Xing Li and Li D Xu, Feature space theory—a mathematical foundation for data mining, Knowledge-Based Systems, 14(5-6), 2001, 253-257.
Hong-Xing Li, Zhi-Hong Miao, Jia-Yin Wang, Variable universe adaptive fuzzy control on the quadruple inverted pendulum, Science in China (中国科学, Series E), 2002, 45(2), 213-224.
Hong-Xing Li, Zhi-Hong Miao, Jia-Yin Wang, Variable universe stable adaptive fuzzy control of nonlinear system, Science in China (中国科学, Series E), 2002, 45(3), 225-240.
Hong-Xing Li, Jia-Yin Wang, Zhi-Hong Miao, Modeling on fuzzy control systems, Science in China (中国科学, Series A), 2002, 45(12), 1506-1517.
Hong-Xing Li, Li D Xu, Jia-Yin Wang and Zhi-Wen Mo, Feature space theory in data mining: transformations between extensions and intensions in knowledge representation, Expert Systems, 20(2), 2003, 60-71.
Hong-Xing Li, Jia-Yin Wang and Zhi-Hong Miao, Marginal linearization method in modeling on fuzzy control systems, Progress in Nature Science, 2003, 13(7), 489-496.
Hong-Xing Li, Jia-Yin Wang and Zhi-Hong Miao, A kind of linearization method in fuzzy control system modeling, in REFDGrC 2003 (Wang et al.(Eds.)), LNAI 2639, pp. 89-98, 2003.
Hong-Xing Li, Ling-Xia Li and Jia-Yin Wang, Interpolation representation of feedforward neural networks, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 37, 7-8, (2003), 829-847.
Hong-Xing Li and E. S. Lee, Interpolation representations of fuzzy logic systems, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Volume 45, Issues 10-11, Pages 1683-1693 (May - June 2003).
Hong-Xing Li , Yan-Da Li, Zhi-Hong Miao and E. S. Lee, Control functions of fuzzy controllers, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Volume 46, Issues 5-6, Pages 875-890 (September 2003).
Hong-Xing Li and E. S. Lee, Interpolation functions of feedforward neural networks, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Volume 46, Issue 12, Pages 1861-1874 (December 2003).
Hong-Xing Li, Li LX, Wang Jiayin, Mo Zhiwen, Li Yanda, Fuzzy decision making based on variable weights, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 39(2004), 163-179.
Hong-Xing Li, You Fei and Peng Jiayin, Fuzzy controllers based on some fuzzy implication operators and their response functions, Progress in Nature Science, 2004, 14(1), 15-20.
2014-2017 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61374118,变论域模糊控制的自适应机理及其相关理论问题,项目主持
2011-2013 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61074044,基于HX方程的不确定性系统的分析与控制及其在平面四级倒立摆中的应用,项目主持
2008-2010 国家自然科学基金面上项目,60774049,不确定性系统的统一理论及其在模糊控制中的应用,项目主持
2005-2007 国家自然科学基金面上项目,60474023,变论域自适应模糊控制与平面运行多级倒立摆实现,项目主持
2002-2004 国家自然科学基金面上项目,60174013,模糊控制系统的建模,项目主持
2000-2002 国家自然科学基金面上项目,69974006,基于论域的自适应模糊控制器,项目主持
1997-1999 国家自然科学基金面上项目,69674014,模糊控制的数学本质与高精度模糊控制理论,项目主持
1998年8月-1999年8月 美国莱特大学 访问教授