




  Email: chenfeifei@bnu.edu.cn





  2007年9月-2011年6月 长沙理工大学 学士

  2012年9月-2016年6月 中国科学院大学 硕士

  2016年9月-2020年6月 中国人民大学 博士



  [1] 孙志华,尹俊平,陈菲菲,叶雪,非参数与半参数统计, 清华大学出版社 , 2016.


  [1] Li, X., Chen, F., Liang, H., and Ruppert, D. (2022). Model checking for logistic models when thenumber of parameters tends to infinity. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. Online. Doi:10.1080/10618600.2022.2084403.

  [2] Chen, F., Jiménez-Gamero, M. D., Meintanis, S. G., and Zhu, L.* (2022). A general Monte Carlo method for multivariate goodness–of–fit testing applied to elliptical families. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 175, 107548.

  [3] Sun, Z., Chen, F.*, and Liang, H. (2022). Efficient diagnostics for parametric regression models with distortion measurement errors incorporating dimension-reduction.Statistica Sinica, 32, 1661-1681.

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  [5] Sun, Z., Chen, F., Liang, H.*,& Ruppert, D. (2021). A projection-based consistent test incorporating dimension-reduction in partially linear models. Statistica Sinica, 31, 1489-1508.

  [6] Zhang, Q., Chen, F., Wu, S., and Liang, H.* (2021). A simple yet powerful test forassessing goodness-of-fit of high-dimensional linear models. Statistics in Medicine, 40, 3153-3166.

  [7] Chen, F., Jiang, Q., Feng, Z.*, & Zhu, L. (2020). Model checks for functional linear regression models based on projected empirical processes. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 144, 106897.

  [8] Chen, F., Meintanis, S. G., & Zhu, L.* (2019). On some characterizations and multidimensional criteria for testing homogeneity, symmetry and independence. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 173, 125-144.

  [9] Sun, Z., Chen, F., Zhou, X., & Zhang, Q.* (2017). Improved model checking methods for parametric models with responses missing at random. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 154, 147-161.



  国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目两类函数型半参数回归模型的检验 2022年1月1日-2024年12月31日(主持)



  [1] 2017.7-2017.8; 2018.3-2018.5; 2019.02-2019.5; 2020.5-2020.8. Research Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist University.

  [2] 2nd International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics, City University of Hong Kong, June 19-21, 2018.

  [3] The Asian Regional Section of the International Association for Statistical Computing 25th Anniversary Conference & Chinese Association for Statistical Computing 2nd Annual Conference, Beijing Conference Center, November 9-11, 2018.

  [4] The 14th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics, King's College London, December 18-20, 2021.