Email: w.b.liu@bnu.edu.cn
刘教授的研究领域为管理科学与计算数学,在生产力与绩效分析、科学计量与研究评估、偏微分方程数值解法以及最优计算控制方法等方面取得先进研究成果,现任《Omega - The International Journal of Management Science》《Information Process Management》《Journal of Research Management》等国际著名管理科学期刊副主编。刘教授的学术论文成果逾200篇,其中大部分获SCI / SSCI期刊收录和引用。
1. 杨国梁,刘文斌(2021).《基于DEA的方向规模收益测度研究》, 科学出版社.
2. Helu Xiao, Tiantian Ren, Zhongbao Zhou and Wenbin Liu (2021). Parameter uncertainty in estimation of financial portfolio efficiency, Omega, 2021, vol. 103, issue C.
3. D Lin, W Liu, Y Guo, M Meyer (2021). Using technological entropy to identify technology life cycle, Journal of Informetrics, Vol. 5, Issue 2, 101137.
4. Lin, D., Gong, T., Liu, W. et al. (2020). An entropy-based measure for the evolution of h index research. Scientometrics. 125, 2283–2298.
5. Ge, L., Shen, W., & Liu, W. (2020). Meshfree Finite Volume Element Method for Constrained Optimal Control Problem Governed by Random Convection Diffusion Equations. Communications in Mathematical Research, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 229-246.
6. Shen, W., Yang, G., Zhou, Z., & Liu, W. (2019). DEA models with Russell measures. Annals of Operations Research, 278(1-2), 337-359.
7. Xiao, H., Zhou, Z., Ren, T., Bai, Y., & Liu, W. (2019). Time-consistent strategies for multi-period mean-variance portfolio optimization with the serially correlated returns. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 1-38.
8. Zheng, Y., Wang, W., Liu, W., & Mingers, J. (2019). A performance management framework for the public sector: The balanced stakeholder model. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70(4), 568-580.
9. Zhou, Z., Zeng, X., Xiao, H., Ren, T., & Liu, W. (2019). Multiperiod portfolio optimization for asset-liability management with quadratic transaction costs. Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, 15(3), 1493-1515.
10. Shen, W., Ge, L., & Liu, W. (2019). Stochastic galerkin method for optimal control problem governed by random elliptic pde with state constraints. Journal of Scientific Computing, 78(3), 1571-1600.
11. 徐芳, 郑毅,刘文斌.(2020). 基于证据链的学术影响力评价方法探索研究. 科研管理, Vol. 41 (5): 140-150.
12. 郑毅, 刘文斌,宋泽宁.(2020).组织结构视角下我国学术会议绩效评价管理研究. 科研管理, Vol. 41; No.293 (03): 196-206.
13. 肖和录, 任甜甜, 周忠宝& 刘文斌.(2019). 多阶段分散化投资组合效率估计.《系统管理学报》, 28(06):1105.
14. 肖小溪, 陈捷, 徐芳, 刘文斌, 李晓轩, 陈大明,王跃,董瑜,杨艳萍,马宴灿,赵宴强.(2019). “融合式研究”评价框架的应用与分析——基于中国科学院的实践. 科学学与科学技术管理, 40(03), 18-30.