
孙伟伟,教授/副主任 邮箱:91122020001@bnu.edu.cn
孙教授获西北工业大学数学学士学位,西安交通大学计算数学硕士学位,加拿大温莎大学应用数学博士学位。孙教授现任北师港浸大理工科技学部副院长,讲座教授(计算数学),北师大-北师港浸大联合数学研究中心执行副主任。在加入北师港浸大之前, 孙伟伟教授是香港城市大学数学系教授。
温莎大学 应用数学 博士
西安交通大学 计算数学 硕士
西北工业大学 数学 学士
1. W. Sun, Analysis of lowest-order characteristics-mixed FEM for miscible displacement in porous media, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 59(2021), 1875-1895.
2. R. An, H. Gao and W. Sun, Optimal error analysis of Euler and Crank--Nicolson projection finite difference schemes for Landau--Lifshitz equation, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 59(2021), 1639--1662.
3. W, Sun and C. Wu, New analysis of Galerkin-mixed FEMs for miscible displacement in porous media, Math. Comput., 90(2021), 81-102.
4. W. Cai, B. Li, Y.Lin and W. Sun, Analysis of fully discrete FEMs for miscible displacement in porous media with Bear-Scheidegger diffusion-disperson tensor, Numerische Mathematik, 141(2019), 1009--1042.
5. C. Wu and W. Sun, Analysis of Galerkin FEMs for a mixed formulation of Ginzburg- Landau equations under temporal gauge, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 56(2018), 1291–1312.
6. B. Li and W. Sun, Maximal regularity of fully discrete finite element solutions of parabolic equations, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 55(2017), 521--542.
7. H. Gao, B. Li and W. Sun, Stability and error estimates of fully discrete Galerkin FEMs for nonlinear thermistor equations in non-convex polygons, Numerische Mathematik, 136(2017),383–409.
8. B. Li and W. Sun, Maximal Lp analysis of finite element solutions for parabolic equa-tions with nonsmooth coefficients in convex polyhedra, Math. Comput., 86(2017), 1071–1102.
9. H. Gao and W. Sun, A new mixed formulation and numerical solution of Ginzburg- Landau equations under temperal gauge. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 38(2016), A1339–A1357.
10. Z. Si, J. Wang and W. Sun. Unconditional stability and error estimates of modified characteristics FEMs for the Navier-Stokes equations, Numerische Mathematik, 134(2016), 139–161.