



曾科,认知神经工效研究中心 特聘副研究员



主要从事脑信号处理(E/MEG,LFP,fNIRS)和脑刺激(TUS,TMS,tDCS和DBS)及其在认知科学和临床应用中的相关研究。主要研究成果发表在Annals of neurology, Brain stimulation, Neuroimage, IEEE NSRE等期刊。



2007.09 - 2011.06,中国地质大学,计算机科学与技术,工学学士

2011.09 - 2013.06,中国地质大学,计算机技术,工程硕士

2013.09 - 2017.06,北京师范大学,认知神经科学,理学博士



2018.01 - 2023.04,多伦多大学医学院,博士后

2023.05 - 至今,北京师范大学,认知神经工效研究中心



1. Ke Zeng, Ghazaleh Darmani, Anton Fomenko, Xue Xia, Stephanie Tran, Jean-François Nankoo, Yazan Shamli Oghli, Yanqiu Wang, Andres M. Lozano, Robert Chen. Induction of human motor cortex plasticity by theta burst transcranial ultrasound stimulation, Annals of neurology, 2022, 91(2): 238-252.

2. Nardin Samuel#, Ke Zeng#, Irene E. Harmsen, Mandy Yi Rong Ding, Ghazaleh Darmani, Can Sarica, Brendan Santyr, Artur Vetkas, Aditya Pancholi, Anton Fomenko, Vanessa Milano, Kazuaki Yamamoto, Utpal Saha, Richard Wennberg, Nathan C. Rowland, Robert Chen, Andres M. Lozano. Multimodal investigation of transcranial ultrasound-induced neuroplasticity of the human motor cortex. Brain Stimulation, 2022, 15(6): 1337-1347.

3. Ke Zeng, Neil M. Drummond, Ayda Ghahremani, Utpal Saha, Suneil K. Kalia, Mojgan Hodaie, Andres M. Lozano, Adam R. Aron, Robert Chen. Fronto-subthalamic phase synchronization and cross-frequency coupling during conflict processing, NeuroImage, 2021, 238.

4. Ke Zeng, Gaoxiang Ouyang, He Chen, Yue Gu, Xianzeng Liu, Xiaoli Li. Characterizing dynamics of absence seizure EEG with spatial-temporal permutation entropy, Neurocomputing, 2018, 275: 577-585.

5. Ke Zeng, Jiannan Kang, Gaoxiang Ouyang, Jingqing Li, Junxia Han, Yao Wang, Estate M. Sokhadze, Manuel F. Casanova, Xiaoli Li. Disrupted brain network in children with autism spectrum disorder, Scientific reports, 2017, 7(1): 1-12.

6. Chunyan Cao#, Ke Zeng#, Dianyou Li, Shikun Zhan, Xiaoli Li, Bomin Sun. Modulations on cortical oscillations by subthalamic deep brain stimulation in patients with Parkinson disease: a MEG study, Neuroscience letters, 2017, 636: 95-100.

7. Ke Zeng, Jiaqing Yan, Yinghua Wang, Attila Sik, Gaoxiang Ouyang, Xiaoli Li. Automatic detection of absence seizures with compressive sensing EEG, Neurocomputing, 2016, 171: 497502.

8. Ke Zeng, Yinghua Wang, Gaoxiang Ouyang, Zhijie Bian, Lei Wang, Xiaoli Li. Complex network analysis of resting state EEG in amnestic mild cognitive impairment patients with type 2 diabetes, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2015, 9: 133.

9. Ke Zeng, Dan Chen, Gaoxiang Ouyang, Lizhe Wang, Xianzeng Liu, Xiaoli Li. An EEMD-ICA approach to enhancing artifact rejection for noisy multivariate neural data, IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering, 2016, 24(6): 630-638.

10. Ghazaleh Darmani, Neil M. Drummond, Hamidreza Ramezanpour, Utpal Saha, Tasnuva Hoque, Kaviraja Udupa, Can Sarica, Ke Zeng, Talyta Cortez Grippe, Jean-Francois Nankoo, Til Ole Bergmann, Mojgan Hodaie, Suneil K. Kalia, Andres M. Lozano, William D. Hutchison, Alfonso Fasano, Robert Chen. Long-Term Recording of Subthalamic Aperiodic Activities and Beta Bursts in Parkinson's Disease, Movement Disorders, 2023, 38(2): 232-243.


1. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), 博士后奖学金, MFE-171317, Induction of Cortical Plasticity in Human using Theta Burst Ultrasound Stimulation, 2020-04 至 2023-03, 13.5万加元, 结题, 主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 71772015, 基于认知特征与脑神经视角的企业薪酬激励机制优 化研究, 2018-01-01 至 2021-12-31, 51万元, 结题, 参与。

3. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 61761166003, 孤独症脑认知功能障碍的辅助诊断与调控技术, 2018-01-01 至 2020-12-31, 170万元, 结题, 参与。