







  方乐,哲学博士,讲师,本科毕业于四川大学建筑与环境学院,硕士、博士均毕业于香港理工大学土木及环境工程系。主要研究方向包括污泥中磷资源化、污泥和污泥灰中的重金属的去除等。目前已发表各类学术论文10余篇,合著编著1部;并作为核心成员参与了香港研究资助基金(PolyU 152132/14E),国家重点科学项目(2018YFC1902904)中国国家自然科学基金(51772141)等多个项目。






  2015.07- 2021.03: 香港理工大学,建设及环境学院,土木与环境工程专业,博士学位





  Li, J.S.; Fang, L.; Wang, Q.; Tsang, D.C.W.; Donatello, S.; Cheeseman, C.R.; Poon, C.S.; Chapter 14: Phosphorus recovery and reuse as fertilizer from incinerated sewage sludge ash (ISSA). In book: Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, edited by S. Varjani, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2018, http://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-444-64321-6.00014-8



  1. L. Fang, J.-s. Li, M.Z. Guo, C. Cheeseman, D.C. Tsang, S. Donatello, C.S. Poon. Phosphorus recovery and leaching of trace elements from incinerated sewage sludge ash (ISSA), Chemosphere , http://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.11.023.

  2. L. Fang, J.-s. Li, S. Donatello, C. Cheeseman, Q. M. Wang, C.S. Poon, D.C. Tsang. Recovery of phosphorus from incinerated sewage sludge ash by combined two-step extraction and selective precipitation, The Chemical Engineering Journal , http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2018.04.201.

  3. L. Fang, J.-s. Li, S. Donatello, C. Cheeseman, C.S. Poon, D.C. Tsang, 2019. Use of Mg/Ca modified biochars to take up phosphorus from acid-extract of incinerated sewage sludge ash (ISSA) for fertilizer application. Journal of Cleaner Production , http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118853.

  4. L. Fang, Q. M. Wang, J.-s. Li, C.S. Poon, C. Cheeseman, S. Donatello, D.C. Tsang. Feasibility of wet-extraction of phosphorus from incinerated sewage sludge ash (ISSA) for phosphate fertilizer production: A critical review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology , https://doi.org/10.1080/10643389.2020.1740545.

  5. L. Fang, F. Yan, J.J. Chen, X.H Shen, Z.T. Zhang. A novel recovered compound phosphate fertilizer produced from sewage sludge and its incinerated ash. ACS: Sustainable Chemical Engineering , https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b06861.



  1. J.-s. Li, Q. Xue, L. Fang, C.S. Poon. Characteristics and metal leachability of incinerated sewage sludge ash and air pollution control residues from Hong Kong evaluated by different methods, Waste Management , http://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.03.033.

  2. Q. M. Wang, J.-s. Li, P. Tang, L. Fang, Sustainable reclamation of phosphorus from incinerated sewage sludge ash as value-added struvite by chemical extraction, purification and crystallization, Journal of Cleaner Production , http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.01.254.

  3. J.-s. Li, D.C. Tsang, Q. M. Wang, L. Fang, Q. Xue, C.S. Poon, Fate of metals before and after chemical extraction of incinerated sewage sludge ash, Chemosphere , http://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.08.012.

  4. J.-s. Li, Z. Chen, Q. M. Wang, L. Fang, Q. Xue, C. Cheeseman, L. Liu, C.S. Poon. Change in re-use value of incinerated sewage sludge ash due to chemical extraction of phosphorus, Waste Management , http://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2018.01.007.



  Research Projects Presided Over & Participated In

  香港研究资助基金(PolyU 152132/14E),参与。





  Academic Communications

  1. 方乐;从污泥燃烧灰中提取磷并制备成磷肥,第八届全国环境大会, 广州,中国,2015.11,展板报告。

  2. Le FANG; Phosphorus recovery and trace elements pre-leaching from Incinerated Sewage Sludge ash using acids and chelating agents, The 2nd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource, Hong Kong, China, April 2017, oral presentation.

  3.Le FANG; Phosphorus Recovery from Incinerated Sewage Sludge Ash (ISSA) and Turn into Phosphate Fertilizer, 6th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Naxos, Greece, June 2018, oral presentation.

  4. 张作泰,方乐;城市生活污泥及焚烧底渣磷的高效回收利用基础及土地利用,中国环境科学学会2019年科学技术年会,2019.08,口头报告。