2014/6-2018/12, 德国Hohenheim大学, 农业生态, 博士学位
2010/9-2012/12, 德国Stuttgart大学, 基础设施规划, 硕士学位
2006/9至2010/7, 北京师范大学, 环境科学与工程, 学士学位
Modelling weed management effects on soil erosion in rubber plantations in Southwest China. Hongxi Liu. Thesis for Doctoral.
Hongxi Liu; Zhun Mao*; Yan Wang; John H. Kim; Franck Bourrier; Awaz Mohamed; Alexia Stokes; Slow recovery from soil disturbance increases susceptibility of high elevation forests to landslides, Forest ecology and management, 2021, 485: 118891.
Hongxi Liu; Yujun Yi*; Sergey Blagodatsky; Cadisch Georg; Impact of forest cover and conservation agriculture on sediment export: a case study in a montane reserve, south-western China, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 702(1): 134802-134802.
Hongxi Liu; Yujun Yi*; Yusu Yue, Baoshan Cui. 2020. Reducing the likelihood of carbon loss from wetlands by improving the spatial connections between high carbon patches, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 267: 121819.
Hongxi Liu; Xueqing Yang; Sergey Blagodatsky*; Carsten Marohn; Feng Liu; Jianchu Xu; Georg Cadisch; Modelling weed management strategies to control erosion in rubber plantations, Catena, 2018, 172: 345-355.
Hongxi Liu; Sergey Blagodatsky*; Feng Liu; Jianchu Xu; Georg Cadisch; Impact of rubber plantation age on erosive potential studied with USLE model., Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, 2018, 6: 252-261.
Hongxi Liu; Sergey Blagodatsky*; Marcus Giese; Feng Liu; Jianchu Xu;Georg Cadisch; Impact of herbicide application on soil erosion and induced carbon loss in a rubber plantation of Southwest China, Catena, 2016, 145: 180-192.
北京市杰出青年科学基金,JQ19037,面向京津冀协同发展环境增容的生态空间优化综合调控,2020.01 – 2022.12,100万,在研,学术骨干
国家重点研发计划课题,2018YFC0407403,下游河流系统对泥沙动态调控的多过程综合响应机理,2018.07 – 2021.06,317万,在研,参加
French and Mexican governments (France),ANR-16-CE03-0009,Belowground ecosystem services in plant communities along elevational gradients (ECOPICS),2016/01-2019/12,400万,结题,参加
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany), 01LL0919,Sustainable Rubber Cultivation in the Mekong Region, 2014/01-2018/12,600万,结题,参加
Plant and Soil,Catena审稿人
Hongxi Liu; Xueqing Yang; Blagodatsky Sergey; Marohn Carsten; Georg Cadisch; Management of herbicide usage in rubber plantations with help of modelling erosion and crop growth, Sustainable Rubber Conference, 西双版纳, 2016-10-16至2016-10-21.
Hongxi Liu; Blagodatsky Sergey; Georg Cadisch; Dynamics of soil erosion in rubber plantations and its mitigation by herbicide management, The 13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation. Stuttgart, Germany, 斯图加特, 2016-9-19至2016-9-22.
Hongxi Liu; Xueqing Yang; Blagodatsky Sergey; Marohn Carsten; Georg Cadisch; Mitigation of forest to rubber change impact on soil erosion and stream quality by integrated land management, The 13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, 斯图加特, 2016-9-20至2016-9-22.
Hongxi Liu; Effects of Rubber Cultivation on Watersheds within Xishuangbanna, South West China, World Water Day 2015 - Colloquium, Stuttgart, 2015-3-15至2015-3-15.
Hongxi Liu; Yujun Yi; Impact of forest cover and conservation agriculture on sediment export: a case study in a montane reserve, south-western China., 2019 AGU Fall Meeting, 旧金山, 2019-12-9至2019-12-13.